viking books brazil publisher
enroled under the cnpj: 35.663.864/0001-78, rs:128201172111 and owner of the Editorial Prefix: 82525, the viking books brazil (livros vikings editora ltda.) is under the law registred and credencied to act as publisher and trader of books and magazines in brazilian territory.
to send your originals, the text may be formated under the rules of ABNT and must be directioned to the e-mail until 10 business days, a feedback about the publishing possibility and also a techinical analize will be available. the positive and negative points of the future book and a commercial proposal will send too.
the totality of the viking books publications have access: cover creation, ISBN, Catalog (CIP), Thechinical and Textual Review, diagramation, ads, release event and trade — in our website, partners and into the main e-commerce worldwide platforms as Americanas, Carrefour, Amazon, Wish etc.

publish your book:
we provide two different ways to publish:
send your originals: You can send your originals, formated under the rules of ABNT, to e-mail and after 10 business days, you’ll receive a feedback about the publication possibility and also, the techinical analize from our experts, explaining the positive and negative poits frow your text. You’ll receive a commercial porpose too.
public notice application: We’ll open a notice to joint publication, with you and other authors. After read and agree with the notice terms, you’ll send your texts, dispite if article or tale, depending on the Notice reason. Then, your text will go to the approvement. After the stipuled period from the Notice, you’ll receive (or not) the publication acept. If aproved, you’ll attend the terms, values and deadlines from the Notice.
With the Viking Books Brazil, independently of the chosen format, you'll enjoy:
cover creation: exclusive design directioned to your book;
ISBN and Catalog (CIP): every necessary step to get the ISBN and catalog-CIP;
technical review: grammar and orthography, verbal and nominal agreement, verbal and nominal regency etc;
textual review: content logic sequence and sense, keeping the author style;
diagramation: based on the style and characteristics from the book;
disclosure: your book will appear in our website, social medias, partner blogs etc;
release: the correct place will be chosen to your release event, independently if library, restaurant, coffee or anywhere, since its provide the best experience for you and your public;
trade: We'll sell your book in our virtual store and in the main worldwide e-commerces.