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As autoridades locais da Zelândia Ocidental, uma ilha dinamarquesa, deram sinal verde para que seja reerguida uma fortaleza viking em seu sítio arqueológico original, mais de 1.000 anos depois de sua primeira construção.

Model of the original Viking fortress at Trelleborg in Denmark.DE AGOSTINI VIA GETTY IMAGES
FONTE: Forbes

O projeto é o resultado de muitos anos de planejamento por parte do Museu Nacional da Dinamarca e do município de Slagelse. O conselho da cidade de Slagelse, posicionada entre Copenhague e Odense, aprovou o projeto e o financiamento, de acordo com a TV2 Øst da Dinamarca.

While a complete fortress will not be built, the plans include the building of one of the gates, many meters of tall wooden walls and a moat, along with scenes to illustrate the full extent of the defensive capability as it would have looked in the year 981.

The Trelleborg archaeological site is already home to a reconstructed longhouse that plays host to an annual Viking festival, one of the biggest of its kind in Scandinavia. The addition of a reconstructed ring fortress would create an international tourist attraction unique in Scandinavia.

Anders Rosbo, Head of Communications at Visit Denmark, told TV2 Øst that this would improve the appeal of Trelleborg—and Denmark—to British, Italian and French tourists with an interest in Viking history. “We are not only competing with Sweden and Norway, but also with experience trips, nature trips and gastronomy travel. I have no doubt that a stronger offer will also attract more visitors and thus also attract more to the area,” he said.

Only used for a short time

Trelleborg is the best preserved of the seven Viking ring fortresses found in Denmark and southern Sweden. While the scale of these constructions–built in an exact circle with roads and gates pointing in the four cardinal directions–is impressive, they were not home to generations of Vikings.

It is believed that such fortifications were only used for a period of up to ten years. Historians also believe the ring fortresses were built not to defend Viking territory from foreign invaders, but to claim and protect land from other Viking tribes.

Denmark and Sweden are currently seeking joint UNESCO World Heritage Site status for the seven sites, including Trelleborg.

The reconstruction work is planned to begin in the coming months.

FONTE: Forbes

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