Depois de cortar um grande e velho olmo americano em sua propriedade, um homem de Grand Forks entregou o toco a um artista de motosserra (chainsaw artist). Esta foi sua forma de homenagear não apenas a árvore, mas também os imigrantes noruegueses que vieram para a sua região (Dakota do Norte-EUA), em particular, um imigrante que ajudou a construir no ano de 1888 a casa em que mora.

Lael Schmidt, whose home is on South Fifth Street, had to have the tree taken down in September, due to Dutch elm disease. His idea for the stump? A giant viking. The idea came from a note he found written then signed on a rafter in his attic, which read: Brede Kvalstad, August 20, 1888.
“It’s a nod to the influence of Norwegians in the area,” said Schmidt about the tree sculpture.
He reckons the tree was planted at about the same time as the house was built. He said he has photos of the house from the 1890s showing a young elm tree.
“I’d like to think he, or someone very much like him, planted the elm that provided subsequent shelter, comfort and protection to all families, including ours, that have occupied this home,” Schmidt told the Herald.
That’s where the idea of "Viking Elm," as Schmidt calls it, came from. To accomplish that goal, he turned over the tree stump to chainsaw artist Jason Soderlund, who, along with his brother, runs Soderlund’s Wood Mill in Chisago City, Minn., which lies to the northeast of the Twin Cities.
Soderlund has been doing chainsaw art for about 15 years. He used 3D CAD to design the statue, which he modeled off of the History Channel’s drama series “Vikings.”
“I’ve carved a number of Vikings myself, in the past,” said Soderlund. “Where we live is a real Scandanivian area, probably kind of like here.”
Soderlund estimates that it will take 40 or more hours to complete the sculpture. Once it is complete, he will add a separately carved sword and shield to the over 10-foot statue.
Schmidt said he saw the name on the rafter in his attic after having lived in the house for 30 years. He said he researched the name on to try to find any relatives in the area, but was unable to locate any. Schmidt said he believes Kvalstad may have immigrated back to Norway.
“I intend to place his name on the base of the 'Viking Elm' to recognize him and all other immigrants who have worked to make Grand Forks and the surrounding area such a wonderful place to live and raise a family,” Schmidt told the Herald.
FONTE: Grand Forks Herald
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